My ND Services
What to expect
Current medical issues
Past medical history, including any childhood illnesses
A head-to-toe symptoms inventory
Current diet
Current lifestyle factors, like stress, sleep, work, and exercise
A review of any laboratory work that you have had in the past year
Naturopathic doctors take the time to get to know you as an individual. A first visit is usually about 90 minutes long and covers your health history in detail including:
Based on this information, you and your naturopathic doctor will begin to formulate a plan to help bring your body closer to a state of optimal wellness. This may include changes to your lifestyle – like deep breathing exercises to help manage stress, it may include changes to your diet – like a three-week discontinuation of a specific food group, or it may include supplementation. Naturopathic doctors are trained to recommend vitamins, minerals, botanical medicines, and homeopathic medicines. The plan that you are given is individualized for you based on your unique health history.
Our Services
20 Minute Introductory Consultation
Allows time for Dr. Winters to give and overview of naturopathic medicine, explain her philosophy and the components of a typical naturopathic office visit, and examples of treatment plans. It also allows potential patients to detail what they are looking for in an integrative medicine provider. This allows both the ND and potential patient to assess whether they might be a good therapeutic match.
Call or email us now to book yours.
20 mins | Free
First Office Visit
This 90-minute consultation is designed not just to review your current symptoms, but to get to know you as an individual. We will review the history of your current illness, your past medical history, complete a head to toe review of symptoms, review current medications or supplements, and then discuss your lifestyle: stress, work, nutrition, sleep, exercise, and favorite pastimes. Based on this information, we will develop naturopathic treatment recommendations that encompass lifestyle changes, nutritional interventions, and supplementation (if necessary).
90 mins | $225
Standard Return Office Visit
This 45-minute consultation is usually scheduled 3 – 4 weeks after the initial visit. We review how you have been feeling since your initial visit, noting objective changes to your overall health. Sometimes patients leave with encouragement to stay the course since they are making such great strides towards a healthier lifestyle. Other times, we need to make subtle changes to the original plan in order to better address the root of disease. Patients leave this visit with a revised treatment plan that they can put into effect immediately.
60 mins | $140
Brief Return Office Visit
This 20-30 minute visit is appropriate for a quick check-in to review test results, evaluate diet diaries, or discuss to help with guidance sticking to your treatment recommendations.
20-30 mins | $85
Cancer Support Starter Package
For those that would like to incorporate naturopathic supportive care during oncology treatment, this package provides an initial naturopathic oncology visit to review your diagnosis and prescribed treatment and to put a supportive care plan into place, a 15-minute phone consultation to check in about your treatment and oncology plan, two follow-up in-person visits, personalized recommendations encompassing lifestyle, nutritional and supplemental support, and unlimited email access.
Cancer Survivorship Transition Plan
Your active oncology treatment is ending, and you would like to reestablish your health. This plan includes three naturopathic office visits to put into place a revitalization and detoxification plan that includes both exercise and stress support, nutrition support, and supplementation aimed at optimizing gastrointestinal, adrenal and hepatic function following active cancer treatment, all with the goal of establishing a long, healthy, cancer-free life to come.
Baby’s First Year
Includes five well-baby office visits to track developmental milestones and to review common health concerns for your baby’s age (like sleeping, teething, solid food introduction), informational handouts to track every stage of your baby’s development, holistic immune support and wellness tips for new parents, one sick-baby visit, and unlimited email access.
Telemedicine Consultations
My ND offers telemedicine consultations for initial and return visits. We use the Wellevate telemedicine platform to ensure HIPAA compliance.
“Dr. Winters is a thorough, kind, and patient partner for your health journey. She provides well-thought-out and whole-person-focused recommendations to address the “problem” (in my case an aggressive breast cancer with a bleak prognosis), but also all the areas of life that may be contributing to the concern.
Come to Dr. Winters ready to make whatever changes you need in order to find your way to full health again. She will be a wonderful encourager and guide as you make all the changes you need to.”